The Soča River Valley

From its karstic source in the heart of the Julian Alps, through rapids and waterfalls in Trenta, to the gorges and pools in the Bovec Basin, emerald reflections ignite the imagination, stir the senses, and caress the eyes.

Considered by many as Europe’s most beautiful river under the watchful gaze of two-thousand-meter peaks, the Soča carves its way into living rock, delineating the narrowest of gorges, imprinting its widest bed onto the gravel, and delivering its most powerful torrential waters to the sea. Sometimes passionately turbulent, sometimes virginal and calm, it surprises everyone with the life it holds within. Captured in narrow ravines, and at other times, wide and expansive, it captivates and enchants as the EMERALD RIVER SOČA.

The world around the Soča was beloved even by our ancient ancestors. It attracted the Trentars, the first guides who ventured onto the highest of peaks. It seduced seekers of the mythical Mogote flower, lured hunters dreaming of the most precious Golden horned Ibex. It tempted the Habsburgs and the Venetians. It witnessed the scenes of fierce battles of World War I and even captivated one of Slovenia’s most prominent poets to write it a poem.

Today, the river valley entices with untouched nature, with botanical and zoological wealth, with cultural heritage, and boundless opportunities for exploration, wandering, and the pursuit of dreams. – THE SOČA VALLEY


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