The Walk of Peace

Pot miru v Posočju (The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region) is managed by the Poti miru v Posočju Foundation, aiming to preserve the heritage of the Isonzo Front during World War I. It encompasses six open-air museums representing the most important points on the Walk of Peace. The Walk of Peace connects the heritage of the Isonzo Front with the natural attractions of the Upper Soča Valley. It serves as the starting point for the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic, dedicated to the memory of the numerous victims of World War I.
The Walk of Peace is an excellent choice for those who want to actively spend their free time, experience magnificent views and the beauty of nature, learn about history and culture, meet locals, experience contemporary life, and taste local delicacies.

Guided tours with local tourist guides are recommended. For more information, you can visit their website:

Details about the Paths of Peace Foundation in Posočje can be found at the link: >>Podrobnosti<<


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